My Top Blog Posts of 2020: A Year in Review

I think we can all agree that it has been a truly eventful year. All of us have been impacted by shelter in place, civil unrest, and an extremely contentious election. In addition, some of us will be affected by the passage of Prop 19, which restricts the reassessment exclusion for parent-child transfers of real property (more on that in January).

My business had its ups and downs this past year, but it weathered the storm with the transition to online meetings. Moving to a new office space right before shelter in place started made things a bit more interesting – on the one hand, I now had a higher rent and no one to share it with, but on the other, I didn’t have to worry about other people sharing the same breathing space. All in all, I think it was a good long-term move, and I’m enjoying the process of furnishing the space.

And through it all, you have been faithful to read these blog articles, for which I am grateful (and occasionally surprised). For your benefit, I’m including the links below for my most popular articles, both in 2020 and for all time (or at least for as long as I’ve been posting them on my website). Enjoy, and have a wonderful holiday season!

Top Blog Posts of 2020

  1. The Do’s & Don’ts of Using Content From the Internet –
  2. Wills vs. Trusts – What’s the Difference? –
  3. Celebrity Horror Stories: When Estate Planning Goes Wrong –
  4. Can I Change My Parents’ Trust After They’re Gone? –
  5. Can I Write About a Real Person in My Book? –

Top Blog Posts of all Time

  1. What’s the Difference Between an Executor and a Trustee? –
  2. Who Should I Choose for My Executor/Trustee? –
  3. The Do’s & Don’ts of Using Content From the Internet –
  4. The Work-for-hire doctrine – When Is My Work Really My Work? –
  5. Wills vs. Trusts – What’s the Difference? –

Kelly Way Attorney pic and bio Kelley Way was born and raised in Walnut Creek, California. She graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in English, followed by a Juris Doctorate. Kelley is a member of the California Bar and an aspiring writer of young adult fantasy novels.