Kelley Way has been creating blog posts across many topics of Estate Planning, Copyright and Trademark law. If you have a topic or question you’d like covered, reach out to Kelley Way here.

What is Per Stirpes?

What is Per Stirpes?

The Difference Between Per Capita and Per Stirpes  I find that a number of my clients have heard the term “per stirpes,” but few actually know what it means (no, it’s not a disease). Even fewer have heard the term “per capita.” The legal community uses both...

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What is an A/B Trust?

What is an A/B Trust?

What is an A/B Trust? Many of my prospective clients have heard the term "A/B Trust", but they rarely know what it means, even when they have an A/B Trust themselves. (I've even had cases where people didn't realize they had an A/B Trust in the first place.) Let me...

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When Should I Update My Will/Trust?

When Should I Update My Will/Trust?

Happy New Year! Since today is New Year’s Day, it seemed like a good time to bring up a frequently asked question: When should I update my will/trust? I have colleagues who recommend reviewing your will and trust every New Year’s Day to ensure it’s up to date. But do...

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Top Blog Posts of 2023

Top Blog Posts of 2023

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. In keeping with tradition, this final blog post of the year highlights the blog articles that got the most attention this past year. I hope you enjoy this trip down Memory Lane! Note: In previous years, I also included...

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